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Written by Ghislaine Roman.
14 × 19 cm, 132 pages, softcover.
Collection: Staying Alive
Public aimed: 12+
Genre: Novel
Rights available: WORLDWIDE

What would you do if you discovered your mother was abused as a child?

“I see exactly the scene in slow-motion. My dad opens the newspaper and becomes livid. My mother widens her eyes, her way to ask him what’s happening. My dad creases the pages, lets them fall on the ground and says ‘Gee whiz!’ At that moment, I don’t suspect anything."

Fifteen-year-old Charlotte discovers that her mother was abused as a child. As her love for Pablo awakens her desire, she will have to face the wave that is hitting her family. She will discover the abjection of which adults are capable of: some knew and said nothing. Between rage and tenderness, Charlotte will have to find her own way…

Staying Alive is a collection of novels and short stories that portrays our modern world. The books within are addressing ecological, social and ethical issues towards pre-teens to young adults.

If you would like to receive further information, please contact me.